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Student Registration

teacher hugging student

New student registrations are being accepted online through SchoolMint or by appointment at each district's school buildings.

Complete New Student Enrollment in schoolmint  

While registration through SchoolMint can be completed on the computer, we strongly recommend registering through SchoolMint on a phone or other electronic device with a camera. You will need to upload photos of all required documents.

You can register by going to or by scanning the QR code below.

QR Code for PHSD SchoolMint

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open! Children must be 5 years of age by September 1 of the year they plan to start school. Our kindergarten is on a full-day schedule.  

Online Registration Directions: 

Step 1: Gather Required Documents

  • Proof of Child's Age (choose one)
    • Birth Certificate
    • Valid Passport
    • Baptismal Certificate
  • Immunization Records
    • A written statement from the prior school district or a medical office that the required immunization records have been administered of that a required series is being administered.
    • Verbal assurance from a prior school district or medical office that required immunizations have been completed, with records to follow.
      • Please Note: Children will only be admitted to school with proof of immunizations. 
  • Proof of Residency
    • Valid PA Department of Transportation license or identification with current district address.
      • If you've recently moved, you can update your PA Driver's License by visiting the PA Department of Transportation's website and completing a change of address for free. You must download your temporary internet card and take a screenshot of this document before leaving the site.
    • Two (2) current utility bills (within 30 days) showing your district address (e.g., gas, electric, cable, water). 

Step 2: Gather Additional Documents (if applicable)

  • Affidavit of Residency
  • Affidavit of Guardianship
  • Foster Care Agency Placement Letter
  • Applicable Court Orders
  • McKinney Vento (homeless) Form
  • Student Background Questionnaire if another language is spoken at home

Step 3: Log In or Create an Account in SchoolMint

  • Enter your child's name on the "Student Dashboard."
  • Click on the "Register" button. This will be next to or below your child's name.
  • Fill out and submit all required information.
  • When you have completed your child's registration, the record status will be "Registration Completed" or "Registration Verified." 

Registration Secretaries

Our registration secretaries are here to help: 

Sue Conte
Penn Hills Elementary
1078 Jefferson Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15235
412-793-7000, Ext. 7113

Vivian Hawkes-Ware
Linton Middle School
250 Aster Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15235
412-793-7000, Ext. 6124

Diane Bonnett
Penn Hills High School
309 Collins Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15235
412-793-7000, Ext. 5284


Families with students in multiple grade levels only need to contact one (1) of the PHSD representatives above. An onsite visit may be optional, depending on the availability of various required documents.

If you don't have access to a device, need help registering, or would like a tour of our building(s), please contact one of the registration secretaries. 

Registration Checklist

  • Child's birth certificate, passport or baptismal certificate
  • Child's immunization records
  • Parent or Guardian's driver's license or photo ID with current PHSD address
  • Two (2) current utility bills (within 30 days) showing your PHSD address 

Additional Documents, if applicable:

  • Affidavit of Residency
  • Affidavit of Guardianship
  • Foster Care Agency Placement Letter
  • Applicable Court Orders
  • McKinney Vento (homeless) Form
  • Student Background Questionnaire if another language is spoken at home

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